Create a “rule-of-thirds” Grid in Photoshop

by Nov 21, 2019Free Tutorials, Resources

A rule-of-thirds grid is a grid that splits your image into nine equally sized rectangles, allowing you to base the composition of your piece around it. Working with one can be the key to making captivating, visually pleasing images. 

Luckily this can be created within a matter of seconds. All you’ll need is a computer with Photoshop and an image to work with. If you don’t have an image of your own, feel free to try out the technique with some of these free high quality stock images. 

After opening Photoshop, you can open your image by selecting File > Open and choosing the relevant photo from your files. Alternatively, if you want to create a new blank document, then choose File > New.

Step 1: Open Your Preferences

With your image or blank document open in Photoshop, let’s begin by heading along the top bar and selecting Edit > Preferences [Win] / Photoshop CC > Preferences [Mac].

edit preferences in photoshop

Step 2: Edit the Settings for Guides, Grid & Slices

After selecting Preferences, you will now want to click on Guides, Grid & Slices from the list that appears.

guides, grid and slices menu photoshop

Now simply input the following settings into the Grid window. 

Gridline every: 100 percent.

Subdivisions: 3

grid option panel window photoshop

Then just click OK. 

To make the grid show up, select View > Show > Grid.

grid show up option in photoshop

You should now have a grid that ‘divides’ your image into three rows and columns!

photoshop blank document with rule-of-third grid


Want to find out more about how to create a rule-of-thirds grid in Photoshop? Then check out this video by CiprianFOTO that demonstrates the same process.

About the Author Betchphoto

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